Tiffany Turner started with ISTS 11 years ago and has served various roles within ISTS’ Operations department during that time. Four years ago, ISTS identified a need to elevate client relationships beyond the Program Management level, and as a result, the Account Management department was created. Tiffany served as one of the first Account Managers, leveraging her knowledge of ISTS Operations and expertise in client relationships to bring continued success to our client partners through conversations that help them identify and achieve the goals for their programs.

In 2019, Tiffany was named Director of Account Management and continues to foster her passion for helping others through listening and understanding to both our clients’ and employees’ needs

In her own words:

As ISTS has grown, it has become clear through our work with dedicated client partners that to serve them best we must embody Aristotle’s philosophy that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. For ISTS, success is being able to carry out the day-to-day logistics that make applications and related program processes seamless, while also staying in tune with the missions that drive those programs – all at the same time and without missing a beat.

We achieve this synergy by providing our clients service and dedicated resources in a very holistic way; that is, giving them a dedicated Program Management team to successfully carry out the timelines and tactical requirements of the program, while also providing access to an Account Management team who are able to look at the program through an overall mission lens, and help offer the right tools and solutions to make the next steps of their vision a successful reality.

I am most excited by and thrive on the opportunities to take a client’s concept, talk through the goals behind it, brainstorm possibilities for a solution, then work with the right people -both at ISTS and with our vendor partners- to turn that concept into a tangible reality. I seek to understand what both short-term and long-term Return on Investment (ROI) really means to our client partners and help create viable solutions for manifesting that ROI through the success of their Scholarship and Tuition Assistance/Reimbursement programs. Taking it even a step further, I want to be able and help our clients show ROI, so their Boards and stakeholders can see the value and hard work they put into their ideas, all with the help of the team at ISTS.