Prior to joining ISTS in 2015, my career history bounced between technology and financial aid (higher ed). After three years as a Program Manager, I discovered that I could combine my two skill sets – helping people achieve their dreams and new technologies – into one meaningful career.

In my role as a Program Designer, I work behind the scenes to accomplish a client’s business goals, create new design/UX opportunities and foster relationships while also feeling challenged and mentally fulfilled.

My niche is the implementation of tuition assistance and reimbursement programs – I have the privilege of partnering with both new and existing clients to develop their ideal employee benefit. I love watching a project transform from written business requirements to an online experience that is innovative and user-friendly.

ISTS has given me the skills and freedom to grow not only professionally but in my personal life. For a company focused on extending their support externally (program sponsors and students) as well as internally (employees), I am grateful that I’ve found a place where I fit.