Reducing childcare stress improves morale and productivity.

Happier, more relaxed employees are better team players and more productive. When they have access to a childcare reimbursement program that is easy to navigate, simple to understand and delivers a reliable and accurate benefit, everyone wins. Your employees enjoy decreased stress and your company benefits from staff who are better able to focus on their jobs.

We combine expertise with personal attention.

Outsourcing your childcare reimbursement program can streamline HR processes, reduce administrative burden and boost efficiency in managing employee benefits. That means your teams can focus on core business functions or other benefit programs.

We combine proven technology, stringent data security and outstanding customer service to administer sustainable employer childcare benefits that uphold our clients’ strategies and values. We are committed to an optimistic and problem-solving approach that sets us apart in the world of educational assistance management.

How it works



Our employer childcare benefits solution covers the full spectrum of need.

We manage the entire childcare reimbursement process from application design to funds disbursement. Specific services include:

  • Dedicated Program Coordinator
  • Policy review and best practice recommendations
  • Online application and materials development
  • Demographic and payroll data feeds
  • Application and document validation and processing


  • Client reporting
  • Automated notifications regarding each step of the process
  • Payment calculation and cap management
  • Multichannel inquiry support for employees


We also do these things.

We love learning! And we love getting better at our jobs. We never stop exploring how we can do more for our clients. Beyond our full-service approach, we offer even more services to help companies make the most of their childcare reimbursement program.

Career & Financial Success

Bolster employee satisfaction even more with access to career development coaching, student loan counseling and other resources from our trusted industry partners.


We can present next-level strategic guidance to help you address opportunities, goals or initiatives in your company related to childcare reimbursement programs.

Translations & Multilingual Support

Provide your employees with application materials and support in multiple languages. We can facilitate translation beyond our standard languages of English, French and Spanish.

What our clients love about working with ISTS:


Launch an employer childcare benefits program that makes your team happier.

It’s our pleasure to help organizations like yours offer a childcare reimbursement program. Reach out to learn more about how we can partner.

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